martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

Aeroméxico y su abuso a los pasajeros.

Yo no soy viajero frecuente y generalmente mis vuelos son por motivos de placer. Mala idea elegir a Aeroméxico para estos fines, o pensándolo bien para ningún fin. No vuelvo a volar por Aeroméxico por ser una empresa mezquina en cuyas prioridades en ultimo lugar estamos nosotros, su razón de ser: los pasajeros. Aeroméxico vuelve a tu viaje una experiencia memorable... Pero, para mal.

He recibido respuesta por parte de una ejecutiva de atención a clientes. Muy linda, pero la burocracia es la que dicta cómo proceder sin escucharnos. Un trámite supuestamente “simple” que ha tomado más de 2 meses. Cuando la opción que yo les ofrecía les resultaba más económica y yo hubiera quedado contenta. Pero así no sucedió. Aquí los hechos:

El motivo de mi viaje y por qué fue por Aeroméxico.

Mi novio estaba editando una película en Los Ángeles, me invitó tras tres semanas de trabajo a una semana de vacaciones en tan icónica ciudad. Apenas estábamos terminando de pagar las vacaciones anteriores así que embarcarse en otras era complicado. Mi suegra que es un encanto me ofreció cederme un boleto de club premier de Aeroméxico dado que su negocio la obliga a viajar constantemente y tenia muchos puntos acumulados en dicho programa de lealtad.

El dia 1 de junio Realizamos la llamada y por un par de errores técnicos el tramite se tuvo que realizar en dos llamadas diferentes y ninguno de los dos ejecutivos que nos atendieron nos leyeron las advertencias correspondientes que incluían que pagara los impuestos en un máx. de 24 horas antes del check in, y que se tenia que comprar el vuelo de regreso si se volaba a usa con visa B1/B2 (Turista). Durante la segunda llamada incluso se le preguntó a la ejecutiva si lo único que necesitaba yo era presentarme en el aeropuerto 3 horas antes con la clave que ellos nos daban y mi pasaporte y la chica dijo: si.
La razón por la que se compró un boleto sencillo y no redondo era por que aún no sabía mi novio que dia exacto iba a volver él y estábamos esperando poder regresar juntos.

Llega el dia esperado del viaje: Sábado 4 de junio. El vuelo salía a las 10:15am. Yo emocionada por las vacaciones y también por ver a mi novio tras casi un mes de estar lejos, así que emocionalmente condicionada llego al mostrador de la T2 del AICM muy quitada de la pena entrego mi clave y al revisarla me comenta la señorita que en el sistema aparece la clave con mi nombre pero sin itinerario, en pocas palabras no tenía lugar en el vuelo. Evidentemente empiezo a sentir pánico. Me manda la señorita del check in al mostrador de ventas pues quizá falte pagar los impuestos. Quizá hay esperanza.

No. Tras mi explicación, la del mostrador de ventas me dice: Uy, el sistema me indica que tenía hasta ayer (viernes 3 de junio) para realizar el pago de los impuestos y que básicamente no tenía boleto. En ningún momento Aeroméxico me proveyó de esta información, nunca, ninguno de los dos ejecutivos de club premier me lo informó. Además de llevar la tarjeta club premier, copia del IFE del titular de la tarjeta y una carta poder firmada por mi suegra (Titular de la tarjeta). "Cuando vuelva puede poner una queja con su clave de reserva" Me informó.

¿Que hacer? Ya estoy con la maleta, ni modo queda viajar y poner una queja por que no puede ser.
-Son $9,367.00 pesos.
-¿Qué cosa?. ¿Es la única tarifa? ¿vuelo sencillo?
-No,  redondo. Las autoridades migratorias en Estados Unidos nos han avisado que no están dejando pasar a turistas sin boleto de regreso. Si quiere se lo vendo, pero no nos hacemos responsables si no la dejan pasar.

(amable lector, lectora compraría el boleto de regreso o no?)

Compré el boleto redondo tuve que decidir en ese momento a ciegas cuando volver. Ni modo. (nuevamente, recuerden que ya estaba emocionalmente condicionada, soy humana no de palo, como Aeroméxico claramente cree que somos).

Pues bueno, ya de regreso pensaré y pondré mi queja. Me molesta de sobre manera el abuso, pero en ese momento todavía no me habían colmado la paciencia.

Es hora de abordar el avión y la señorita que corta mi boleto se lleva por error el de vuelta también. Cuando me percato, Me niego a seguir adelante hasta que no me lo devuelva (¿Recuerdan que sin él no me iban a dejar pasar en Estados Unidos?), como los van echando en un desorden de todos dicha señorita se negó y me exigía que abordara, de muy mal modo. Así que yo me puse de un modo peor, alzando la voz exigiendo mi boleto de regreso. “¡Me lo tiene que devolver!”.
Por el escándalo que ya estaba haciendo se apareció un sujeto que aparentaba algún rango superior (el saco era distinto) le explico qué pasa, y él se pone a buscar el boleto mientras la naca de la otra me veía con ojos de revólver. Estúpida mujer amargada sin criterio.

Total, me subo al avión y afortunadamente me tocó un excelente piloto, el mejor aterrizaje de mi vida. Ahora si que al César lo que es del César.

- Pasa una semana de unas lindas vacaciones.

Mi novio no pudo regresar conmigo. Al momento de volver me toca presenciar otra de las trastadas de Aeroméxico esta vez no me toca a mi pero sí a una familia que se veía regresaba de vacaciones: El padre de familia llega a su asiento y hay alguien más sentado en el mismo. Tenían el mismo boleto. Estaba sobrevendido el vuelo. Aeroméxico sobrevende me imagino, contando con que uno no llegara a tiempo, perdiendo uno el vuelo y quedándose con el dinero de los dos boletos. Vaya mierda. El padre de familia tuvo que,  no sin mentarles la madre a todo pulmón, quedarse en tierra arruinando así el ultimo momento de sus vacaciones familiares. Qué padre eso es lo que una empresa que se dedica a promocionar sus destinos turísticos debe de hacer en cada viaje no creen? (por si no lo agarraron, estoy siendo sarcástica).

Llego afortunadamente bien, ningún problema durante el vuelo salvo que los asientos de la clase turista cada vez ponen más estrechos y es imposible salir al baño sin tener que mover a toda la fila, eso o les pasas por encima. Eso ya no es viajar de forma decente, peor que autobuses de segunda y los boletos no los venden nada baratos, no es una línea de bajo costo pero tienen mejores aviones Volaris en Interjet.

Ya de regreso, llamo para poner la queja una semana después, necesitaba asignar un buen tiempo pues ya se como son los centros de atención a clientes optan por que te canses de esperar. Pero yo no me canso. Me responden finalmente y me indican que la clave que yo les doy no existe pues ya volé que no hay forma de arreglar ya nada. ¿¿¿¡¡¡QUÉ QUÉ!!!???

Cómo mi rabieta en Twitter captó su atención:

Envié entonces decenas de tweets nombrando a Aeroméxico y acusándolos de fraudulentos de que borran las claves de reserva para que vueles y no te puedas quejar etc.
Mis seguidores – encantadores, los quiero! -  ellos me Retwitean y me apoyan. Me entero que a muchos Aeroméxico les ha fallado y que en efecto club premiere es una broma. Me entero que con frecuencia sus pilotos viajan ebrios y hasta noticias de cuando "cacharon" a unos. ¿Cuántos mas se saldrán con la suya?
Durante esa semana, Aeromexico_com la cuenta de twitter de la empresa me contacta para que les mande un correo con el problema.
Les mando el correo, exijo que se me restituya con un boleto viaje redondo MX-LA valido por un año. Tras varios correos electrónicos entre la ejecutiva de atención a clientes y yo y 2 semanas de espera me responden:

de Torres, Angelica Maria 

para Fernanda Morales de la Vega
fecha de julio de 2011 16:56
enviado por importante principalmente por los integrantes de la conversación

Buenas tardes:
Estoy en espera de la autorización para otorgarle el reembolso del tramo México-Los Angeles que tuvo que comprar, en cuanto me indiquen de qué forma se lo vamos a dar, me pongo en contacto con usted.

Estoy a sus órdenes.


Hasta casi un mes después y de enviar varios correos preguntando el status recibo esta respuesta:

De: Jimenez Torres, Angelica Maria
Fecha: 4 de agosto de 2011 16:15
Para: Laura Fernanda Morales de la Vega

Buenas tardes Srita. Morales:
Me están confirmando que se está realizando el reembolso a su tarjeta por la cantidad de $3,766.00 pesos por el tramo del boleto MEXICO-LOS ANGELES que tuvo que comprar, esta cantidad va a reflejarse en su próximo estado de cuenta, así como ya fueron reinstalados los kilómetros que se le habían descontado por el mismo tramo.
El número de reembolso es:
EMD 1390425014307
Cantidad $3,766 Pesos.

Estoy a sus órdenes.


Angélica Jiménez.

Se negaron a reembolsarme todo. ¿Por que?  Aquí su respuesta:

de Torres, Angelica Maria 

para Fernanda Morales de la Vega
fecha de agosto de 2011 16:45
enviado por

Srita. Morales:
La cantidad que le estamos reembolsando es por la reserva que se canceló por tiempo límite y por la cual fue afectada era un viaje sencillo con kilómetros en el tramo México-Los Angeles, por lo que le estamos reembolsando el tramo que tuvo que comprar por dicha afectación.


Angélica Jiménez.

Sólo se hacen responsables por el de club premier que se perdió, aunque ellos me condicionaron a comprarlo redondo, fue mi decisión, pude haber decidido comprar sencillo y arriesgarme a que no me dejaran pasar. Es el colmo, pues como los ejecutivos de club premier no me dieron las advertencias me tenían ahí, con una elección muy condicionada. ¿O no? Total que al llegar a migración en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles no me pidieron ese mentado boleto de regreso.

En espera estaba del reembolso ( que ellos decidieron reembolsarme yo pedía un boleto, era mas barato para ellos jamás tenían que soltar efectivo) cuando sale la noticia de los pilotos arrestados en España por pretender meter 44 kilos de cocaína al país y lo que es peor que no era la primera vez que ocurría. Los pilotos por la razón que sea no aprecian su trabajo unos borrachos, otros. O  algunos pesos arriesgar su vida y su libertad y trabajar para el narcos. Que pasa? No  da confianza volar con un piloto que no esta a gusto con su trabajo.
Llega el estado de cuenta de la tarjeta el sábado pasado y: NO HAY TAL REEMBOLSO. Como creen que me sentí: total y absolutamente defraudada. Abusaron de mi confianza y de mi paciencia.

Ya recibí nuevamente respuesta de la ejecutiva de Aeroméxico tras un correo bastante enardecido. Es que no se vale. Ahora bien están “investigando mi caso” Les advertí que de no realizarse el reembolso (con el cuál no quedé 100% contenta) este mes, acudiré a la PROFECO.

Veremos qué sucede. Pero sé que no soy la única y el abuso me indigna de sobre manera, por eso este post. Para que exijamos el servicio por el que estamos pagando. ¿Necesitan subir los precios de los boletos? Ya decidiremos si nos conviene o no pagarlos, pero no sobre-vendan, no nos traten como ganado.

¿Qué opinas? ¿Cuál ha sido tu experiencia con esta u otras aerolíneas? También he recibido noticias de que United Continental también trata a sus pasajeros como ganado.

lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

Target audience: 20 - 35 years old (Introduction)

This is the introduction of a series that will address the context this generation is in and open a door to the understanding of this group of people that is changing the way society works because we have already included Internet as a vital part of our lives. Im exactly 31 years old so, Im in kind in the middle of it all.

Ok im going to talk about: Internet and will anaylze what has happened since I wrote that academic essay "the new hipermedia the beginning of the end of the mass media hegemony" back in 2008. I will talk about how every new communication technology has reshaped us first as individuals then as societies and last of all AS CONSUMERS . Marketing comes after economics and sociology because marketing is a group of techiques developed from social sciences principles so we cannot talk about marketing effectively without understanding the social and economic contexts the consumer is in.

Uff! that's a lot of talking about. So, this is the beginning of a series of posts in which I will address different subjects and how they are related to the Internet and how this new technologies that have already changed our wolrd and the way we interact with it (and yet to come). Here are the subjects I will deal with hopefully twice a month. I am trying to discipline myself in blog updating.

1. Quick summary of the context (what has happened, between 2008 and now)
2. The new cultural renaissance courtesy of web 2.0, Audiences vs Actors. Passive vs Active
3. The new consumer, new habits, new speed, millions of products and services, a new power.
4. Letting the imagination go: Let's make some predictions and look at some trends.

So hereby I promise to keep this blog updated on this subject at least twice a month (if I can do it once a week will be super cool). Help me keep my promise by commenting and asking questions!

Until next time!

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

The New Reinassance powered by: The Internet

The Dark Ages saw its end coming with the invention of Gutemberg's Press. Books became massive and people could read the Bible, and started to have their own interpretation of the words, taking away some of the power the Catholic Church had at the time. Of course that the change of Era took a while, like it usually happens.

Today, the era of the mechanization and massive doctrination is heading to its grave since the popularization of the Internet and the arise of social networks. We are living the new Renaissance where the obscurities of the past modern era begin to fade and some other have started to appear, but those are the ways of evolution.

For those who don't know who I am, I actually work as a marketing researcher at a digital media company. I study human behavior while online and how they consume the different contents available. I have been studying this since 2008 for an academic purpose essay "A walk through new audiences into the hyper-media, the beginning of the end of traditional mass media hegemony". What I concluded after my research back then was:

"In conclusion I would say that the phenomenon of participatory audience is not an isolated one and its here to stay. I would say that the media is evolving and is no longer an option to change or not. Today we have what could be considered as "hypermedia" in which information comes through text, images, videos and also by users. An example is YouTube video communication and became so big and important Google just bought it. Never before people having to communicate with each other had become so important for companies, any company that is attempting to sell something, must take into account these new social behaviors.

Now I can find out a product X that sold in Indonesia thanks to my online friend I met on Facebook and I talked about it, or an Iraqi friend posted on my "wall" a video that she made denouncing the horrors of war. Thanks to the Internet and the growth of blogs and social networks, now, as well as Thomas Friedman said "The Earth is Flat." Many factors have been the "leveling" but I dare say that these and the new participatory hearings have been the most. People move to technologies and as the examples illustrate, the changes come from the periphery - the users themselves - not from inside the institutions.

Traditional media will not disappear but will gradually transform and evolve. The media will want to continue to live traditional regions not evolve their information technology. Television is not "demand" live of populations that still lack the most advanced technologies select television programming, such as the famous TiVo, which lets you record your favorite programs and watch them whenever you want. Of course, companies wishing continue making profits have to move to digital, the smarter they are already doing." (Morales, Laura. Un paseo por las neo-audiencias en los hiper-medios. El fin de la hegemonía de los Mass - Media. Julio 2008.)”

I fell in love with the Internet in 1995 when I first met it while studying at one of the first 2 Institutions in Mexico to have Internet access in the country.  I fell in love with it because well, I'm a NERD, but most of all because I could access tons of information that came all over the world, also to connect with people with similar interests, even if they were from far away. So I entered the world of a BBS (The precursor of chats, social networks and instant messaging platforms) and found some other people like me with whom I could chat and share ideas: Internet opened a social life for me. I do have friends "in the real world, and social networks keep me posted on their lives viceversa. I live a 50%online 50%offline life :)

However I am not the subject of this blog post. So, returning to the subject, Internet has changed people's behavior, thoughts and habits and the ways of before cannot be the ways of now and the future. The change has installed itself as the status quo so now, one day you make think you have understood what has happened and how is happening and in that moment something will occur that will change that all over again.

These are the times where 20th century leaders, marketers, business men and women, are confused and disoriented. During these years of research and follow up of this new digitalized society, I have learned that regarding the Internet: Expect the Unexpected. Because Internet is the ONLY MASS MEDIA where its audience is the one generating the content and leading the way. And yeah, I do consider Internet to be now a mass media, the ultimate mass hyper-media.

The faster the politicians, leaders, marketers and business understand that they have to un-learn what they knew before and learn new things at a crazy speed and to do so they have to listen to the majority of us, the higher their probabilities to stay in power and stay in market. Internet has made possible to unhid what was hidden, to see what is truly happening and what people is really into.

I have 2 case studies to share with you to prove how this generation (mine) is different and why the 20th century old big fat dudes owners of TV networks, newspapers, banks, and governments believed about the us and the world is outdated and plainly wrong.

Case Study#1 Kevin Smith's independent entertainment venture, or "How to make the learning curve profitable by including your audience in the process".

I have been a fan of Kevin Smith's humor for quite a while now. He is an entertainer that started his career as a filmmaker back in the early 90's with a RIDICULOUSLY LOW BUDGET film named "Clerks". His film succeeded just because he was doing something he liked, and was passionate about it, in a time the world was about to change, forever.
He told a story about his friends and his life and oh surprise! someone LIKED it! He appointed a new niche market of film geeks and high-school "outsiders" As myself and him (he is a fat guy who managed to succeed by being original and funny). 

His last big studio film was "Cop Out" a film that because some studio's white-collar money-oriented "big shots" put their sticky, greasy, useless hands on it and turned out to be not as "profitable" as they expected. It would've been if they've let the creative one do the creative,part and stay away from it. Instead, the lack of success was blamed on Kevin, when he was actually the last one to be blamed.

Then, he made "Red State" a film that deviates from his traditional comedy flicks, it is a thriller/drama based on the true story of the Phelps family (The religious nuts that embraced the slogan "God hates fags"). And he did it without a major studio and his promotion campaign was solely made by Internet, specially by Twitter. He managed to communicate with all his fans through the US and filled different venues offering the screening of the picture and afterwards a Q & A. He offered live interaction! And people actually paid $100 bucks to attend this event.

Parallel to the production of this film, in order to help his business plan for it (basically return the investors their money) he started some podcasts where he sits with a friend and talks, he started talking about his journey making this film, but evolved into a bigger thing without him planning it. He hit the jackpot: a latent need from an audience.

He called his podcast venture: SMODCAST a catchy, creative name that comes from Smith and Moser Podcast (Scott Moser is his since-beggining-of-time producer) and what Kevin does best and can`t stop doing is talking to people. He is an hipo-maniac twitter addict too. He managed to have an audience for his different podcasts. Seeing this success and keeping in touch constantly with his audience via twitter he decided after throwing some polls that the way to go was INTERNET RADIO, and quit on filmmaking.

I have been following this project since he started, I have listened to his podcasts since October 2010, and when he announced he was going on Internet radio I told him via twitter that was an excellent idea! that he was on the right way. Until now, I haven't received an answer to my tweets, or a mention but I don't interact in twitter as much either. (I have a healthy 50%-50% online-offline life, and the online is mostly dedicated for professional purposes). And the success of internet radio and its growth potential is not something I made up, you can see here a study on internet radio engagement, and online ad effectiveness: Web Radio Users Deeply, Broadly Engaged

So, he went trough with it. On may 9th SIR (Smodcast Internet Radio) started broadcasting. Again he has the wit to come with great names! This launch was heavily announced in all his podcasts. He managed to partner up with Stitcher, an internet radio broadcast platform that allows everyone with a computer, smartphone or mobile device and an Internet connection to listen to live radio stations, and to broadcast live!

He started with no experience whatsoever in radio production; he installed the "radio booth" in his living room. He started also with a commercialization strategy: He is selling ads for 200 dollars, they are live mentions, not recorded adds, and as the study I mentioned lines above say, if the advertising is embedded in the content, the impact is bigger. Makes sense, contextual advertising is the new thing right now, because we hate intrusive ads. We hate them! that's what we are looking at less TV, for real, just check out this story on the New York Times, Ownership of TV Sets Falls in U.S.

The very first days of broadcasting they couldn't get people "to call in"; for some unknown reason the phone lines didn't work so they switched to Skype. Turned out it worked a lot better than traditional phones and was more in line with SIR's concept:). Also there had been times where is dead air, or they don't know the mic is on and well! Every mistake they told me back in school it shouldn't occur during a radio show (I majored in Communication Sciences and Audiovisual Production). But who would’ve thought that we will stay listening? Nobody in any respectable radio station would've believed me. We stayed because we are engaged to the show, we are engaged to Kevin who portraits to be "one of the coolest guys in Hollywood" who is in constant communication with his audience and has let us join him through out his learning experience, asking for our help and comments to make SIR better everyday. And he is actually selling ads, the big brands are not with him, but the small business those that have small promotion budgets are there, and there are many!

The content of SIR is mostly humorist, the purpose is to ENTERTAIN.
SIR has a daily morning show Kevin holds with his wife Jennifer Shwalbach who is more a house-wife than a media star, they comment on news, have interesting interviews and interviewees... It seems to me like the "side B of the radio". Mainstream media/content is loosing its hegemonic quality, B sides also want to be seen, heard and read. 

Another show is "Jay and Silent Bob get Jobs" a mid-day show of Kevin and his life-time friend and actor Jason Mewes where Jay talks about an anecdote of his life (he has so many, "he leads a life of adventure" as Kevin says) and Kevin just makes funny remarks. Both are silly dirty funny. But the point here is: He has an audience, and a loyal one, because he is one of the cool guys.

Case study #2 Netflix. The evolution of a necessity, at affordable prices.

Netflix, great company, I had the chance to meet Neil Rothstein (VP of Online Marketing) and Scott Lee (Marketing Executive), and they have a really awesome thing going on. For those who doesn't know Netflix, it is an online service for movie rentals. They started with DVD's and evolved to video streaming. They are rocking the world of entertainment, literally. Netflix business model and the fail of Blockbuster to move fast into the digital era leaded to BlockBuster's bankruptcy in the US and survives in developing countries such as Mexico where the internet penetration is still low and the prices of broad band internet connection are still high and the service we have from the ISP companies here in Mexico is beyond LOUSY and EXPENSIVE, but, that's another story for another post.

So, Netflix has succeeded big and of course you may think, yeah but what about piracy? Well it turned out that it is beginning to happen what I predicted about a year ago, that in this Era, if you LISTEN to the consumer and make the product AFFORDABLE to most of the population, consumers will buy and we prefer quality products. Here, the story published may 17th that shows Netflix has overcome p2p downloads in the US: Netflix Beats BitTorrent’s Bandwidth

So, that forces me to ask this question: WHAT ARE THE MUSIC LABELS/FILM STUDIOS STILL COMPLAINING ABOUT? Itunes have showed us since it's beginning that we consumers are willing to pay a FAIR PRICE for things, and entertainment is included. Internet has made possible for SIR and Netflix to obtain revenue by selling a product that people are demanding with a low-cost operation. Kevin Smith is far from getting tons of loads of money by his SIR project (at least for now), but he can make a fair amount of it to assure a decent living, he can make good money, also help small business make good money too by advertising at an affordable price, and entertain its audience. He is not doing it for free, he is just doing it for a fair price. And engaging his audience in every step of the way.

Who decides which price is fair? The consumers, the public. It is happening with sites such as e-bay or mercado libre in Latin America. Who is deciding if the governments are doing their job we are paying them to do? The people communicating by twitter are coming together, showing we are more than them and asking for FAIRNESS, asking for a real democracy not the mockery of democracy we have today where its just a popularity contest and they really work for themselves, their families and their pockets. We are just good to get votes. Well that's about to end guys.

This is the Renaissance of the 21st century, where getting away with a lie is more difficult (still not impossible, but we'll get closer to that I'm confident), where equals can meet globally and share ideas, where it is absolutely necessary to re-think the concepts of nation-state, and nations and states, where a FAIR DISTRIBUTION OF THE WEALTH is absolutely necessary, because there is no way the humanity will overcome the problems of the future (scarcity of food, water, energy) if we don't redefine the economic and political systems in order to make them work for all us, not just for the few "privileged in power".

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

Wisdom crums on a sunday morning

"The desire of freedom implies that we are prisoners"
"Crying or Rage does not change the present circumstances. Fearing or hoping does not determine what's yet to come"

This post was triggered by a Paradox, and proved once more that the ends connect everytime. Yesterday I laughed like I havent laughed in years, and today an old feeling, the exact opposite appeared on the surface of my emotional wide and deep ocean. The emotion that started everything.

5 years ago I was on a trip that I thought would change my life forever, and it did, just not the way I was wishing for. Life is a coin flip and sometimes it feels that the coin is bogus.
What I ignored 5 years ago was that the real lessons started when the dream of a nicer, quieter, prettier life across the Atlantic was over that december 27 2006 as the plane lifted its nose and left El Prat Airport. Right there I learned that tears burn the skin.

I can't really know if I will return to Barcelona and if I do, its clear that I won't return
to the same place. Places, people, time, colours, textures... All of those are mere
perceptions of the reality in one given moment so, I will return nowhere. And that is exactly
where I am now.

Today I bury a dead heart. It looks calcified. I'm still unsatisfied but at least I've stopped believing things will change on my benefit. I've stopped creating futuristic scenarios (One of my obsessions, and by far the most harming one) Im just learning to be just fine no matter
wich side of the coin I get. Past and future almost co-exist in a ridiculous amount of time
called present where the coin is on the air. All outcomes are uncertain, all scenarios are
possible. I don't have the enough knowledge to make forecasts. Nobody has.

I'm still unsatisfied, and working on eliminating all desire.

viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Migajas de Sabiduría (3)

"Lo que tiene esto de la relatividad del tiempo es que pocas veces juega a nuestro favor".

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Migajas de Sabiduría (2)

Esta no recuerdo cuándo llegó pero se las comparto:

"Pelear con uno mismo es la pelea más inútil: Aunque ganes, siempre terminarás perdiendo"

Migajas de Sabiduría (1)

 Empiezo con este proyecto que llevo pensando desde hace tiempo. De pronto se me ocurren frases cortas que definen los aspectos de mi vida, me otorgan certeza y deseo compartirlos. Empiezo con aquella que las musas del universo me entregaron el 31 de enero de este año (mi cumpleaños)

"La plenitud es un estado al cual se llega mediante el hábito de la felicidad"